
Hi! I am Caitlyn, Goosey, or Creativefog. I have been doing website stuff on Neocities for over a year. My first Neocities website was created in the first week of August 2023. I will nawwwwwwtttttt release the name of the website, though. Sorry! It is abandoned anyways. I only check back sometimes.

I'm very active on Neocities when my mind is motivated. Otherwise, it does not exist to me.

College Update


I got to college on the 27 of August through an early move in program. I have made some great friends!

Some weird things have been happening with people around me, but I am coping pretty well.

Also, I found a dad, y'all! I met him at the early move in program, and he is oldddd (barf). He is epic. He introduced me to other friends of his, and most of them are pretty cool, too.

I learned a new form of rock, paper, scissors, as well. That was interesting. And it involved a lot of slapping. Great game, though.



I am fully leaving for college tomorrow and I have procrastinated so hard by making this website.. oops.

I spent most of my summer with my friend for familial reasons but that set me back in the preparation process. I'm not super far behind, but I definitely am not fully packed or prepared. I just recently ordered/bought the last of what I needed for my dorm.

To be honest, I'm scared for college because it is such a big change, but I hope I'll be okay. I am bringing things with me that will keep me more comfortable, but I still don't know what to fully expect and that stresses me out a bit.

Health Update


I finally got a complete (and accurate) diagnosis for my migraines. They literally got my symptoms wrong in each time they attempted to diagnose me until I got this new neurologist WOOHOO!!! now I can actually get the treatment I need.

“Chronic migraine without aura, intractable, with status migrainosus"

This means that I have 15 or more days per month with migraine attacks (chronic)

Sadly, it has absolutely no trigger like how some people get it from not enough water, that’s not how mine are, and can happen at any time and happen randomly (without aura)

Also, that they dont accept typical treatment such as sleep, water, or literally any pain medicine (intractable)

Lastly, that some of them last more than 72 hours straight (status migrainosus)

That’s actually like a horrible diagnosis BUT having this diagnosis means that my insurance company has less ability to turn away medicine for me!!

I’ve had bad migraines since around 9 y/o but it was always cracked down to me not drinking enough water but even after I changed my water intake it never got better.

But kaboom! now I can vibe with a new very much needed diagnosis. :)